Five 501(c)(4) Groups That Might Have Broken the Law
The GOP is upset the IRS is unfairly targeting fraud they approve of
The Red White and Blue Pill
Five 501(c)(4) Groups That Might Have Broken the Law
The GOP is upset the IRS is unfairly targeting fraud they approve of
The Latest Lie: IRS Targeted Conservatives
All that happened here is that groups applying to the IRS for special tax status were checked to see if they were engaged in political activity. They were checked, not targeted. Only one-third of the groups checked were conservative groups.
Organizations of all walks and all persuasions were pulled in. That’s shown by the fact that only 70 of the 300 organizations were tea party organizations, of the ones that were looked at
Yet another trumped up nonsense scandal diverting from actual problems like the AP scandal and the Gitmo hunger strike.
This Republican House is almost like a parallel government, sitting in for some fantasy nation created in talk-radio land.
Sad and true. Worth a read.
Yemeni Tells Senators About ‘Fear and Terror’ Caused by U.S. Drones
For the first time, the Senate heard from someone who lives in a village where U.S. drone strikes are believed to have killed civilians
Rand Paul would’ve been OK with using drones to hunt Boston suspect
Rand Paul has gone from wanting guarantees that we wouldn’t use drones against American citizens on US soil to advocating the use of drones against American citizens on US soil in record time.
“Democracy Has Descended Into Institutionalized Bribery”: An Interview with David Graeber
We’re taught that democracy was like a scientific breakthrough. People discovered democracy, as if people didn’t know how to count beforehand. But what you see when you look at the anthropological record, are countless examples of egalitarian decision making.
Anheuser-Busch heir resigns life-long NRA membership
The NRA I see today has undermined the values upon which it was established. Your current strategic focus clearly places priority on the needs of gun and ammunition manufacturers while disregarding the opinions of your 4 million individual members.
They get more money from manufacturers. Dues from individual hunters and sportsmen are meaningless to the bottom line of the NRA.
Refuse to pay for regulations and safety inspections and then demand others pay for your irresponsibility. Its the GOP way.
Pirate Democracy? – Why Nations Fail
In his fascinating book The Invisible Hook, Peter Leeson shows that such democracy was the norm amongst pirate crews who ravaged the Caribbean and other parts of the world in the 18th century. Pirate crews not only elected their captains on the basis of universal pirate suffrage, but they also regularly deposed them by democratic elections if they were not satisfied with their performance.
And all them who agree say Arrrghhhh!