Obama Is a Republican

Obama Is a Republican

Biden Reportedly Calls Tea Partiers ‘Crazy’

Biden Reportedly Calls Tea Partiers ‘Crazy’

Sam Harris On the Mechanics of Defamation

Sam Harris On the Mechanics of Defamation


How Budget Cuts Cost Us An Ebola Vaccine I would have titled this Did Budget Cuts Cost Us An Ebola Vaccine? as it isn’t clear that we any of the 2002 vaccines would have worked nor is it clear that it isn’t just flaws in the NIH priorities. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

Justice Antonin Scalia: Constitution allows religion to be favored over secularism

Justice Antonin Scalia: Constitution allows religion to be favored over secularism

The Worst Governments in America Are Local

The Worst Governments in America Are Local

Why is “libertarian” Uber sponsoring San Francisco’s giant police militarization conference?

Why is “libertarian” Uber sponsoring San Francisco’s giant police militarization conference?

Obama dishonors the US Presidential office by wearing a tan suit

Obama dishonors the US Presidential office by wearing a tan suit

Some Self-Described Libertarians Can’t Distinguish Libertarian from Communist or Unitarian

Some Self-Described Libertarians Can’t Distinguish Libertarian from Communist or Unitarian