This 1970s high school textbook has some insane lessons on slavery
People who were taught this are running the public and private institutions of the south.
The Red White and Blue Pill
This 1970s high school textbook has some insane lessons on slavery
People who were taught this are running the public and private institutions of the south.
The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter
In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter supports Trump—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism.
That’s right, Trump’s electoral strength—and his staying power—have been buoyed, above all, by Americans with authoritarian inclinations. And because of the prevalence of authoritarians in the American electorate, among Democrats as well as Republicans, it’s very possible that Trump’s fan base will continue to grow.
Worth a read.
Ted Cruz Starts to Crack G.O.P. Establishment’s Wall of Opposition
Cruz’s major selling point is that he isn’t Trump.
Only fantasts can think the self-styled militias of our day are acting under the mandate of, or even in accord with, the Second Amendment. Only madmen, one would think, can suppose that militias have a constitutional right to levy war against the United States, which is treason by constitutional definition (Article III, Section 3, Clause 1). Yet the body of writers who proclaim themselves at the scholarly center of the Second Amendment’s interpretation say that a well-regulated body authorized by the government is intended to train itself for action against the government.
From 1995.
No, the Bundys Aren’t Terrorists
The crime here is obviously more severe than simple trespassing. It’s probably even fair to call it seditious. But the men took no hostages, and aren’t threatening to commit acts of violence against civilians.
Counterfactual Identity Swap – MattBruenig | Politics
we actually have historical examples of nonwhite groups doing this that are directly on point. For example, in 1971, the American Indian Movement took over Alcatraz Island and held it for 19 months. The occupation ended after the government laid siege to the island and the thing more or less collapsed.
Way too many people asking “what if they were black?” or comparing the armed group in Oregon to the unarmed Occupy movement. Neither BlackLivesMatter nor Occupy showed up armed. They showed up to protest and only their own lives were at risk.
The real question should be on wether or not we are ok with armed protestors, not skin tone or what they might be protesting.
The Trump Campaign Doesn’t Want Reporters Covering What Happens Off Stage
Compare Trump’s limits on the media to the Mizzou “safe space” controversy. Why isn’t Trump being called out for demanding a safe space?
‘Daily Show’ Debunks ‘Good Guy With A Gun’ Theory About Mass Shootings (VIDEO)
Correspondent Jordan Klepper went across the river to New Jersey to train for his concealed carry permit. After finishing his training, he went to the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training in Texas to learn how to respond to an active shooter.
In a nutshell, it’s the training not the weapon that matters in an active shooter situation.
Trump Proves That Liberals Have Been Right All Along
the view that Republicans allowed the conservative grassroots to turn their party into a political action committee for white ressentiment has evolved over the years from an argument into a creed. Since at least 2012, liberals have been warning (at times mockingly, but never disingenuously) that by indulging and at times fanning the hostilities and procedural extremism of this part of their coalition, Republicans were letting expediency get the better of them.