The_Donald Monderator, Breitbart editor and Trump Shill, Milo Yiannopoulos — Starts a grant for White Males to go to post-secondary and STEALS all the donations for himself. Promptly shuts down Grant after collecting THOUSANDS for his personal gain. • /r/EnoughTrumpSpam

The_Donald Monderator, Breitbart editor and Trump Shill, Milo Yiannopoulos — Starts a grant for White Males to go to post-secondary and STEALS all the donations for himself. Promptly shuts down Grant after collecting THOUSANDS for his personal gain. • /r/EnoughTrumpSpam

Cannes bans burkinis over suspected link to radical Islamism – BBC News

Cannes bans burkinis over suspected link to radical Islamism – BBC News

How the ‘Stupid Party’ Created Donald Trump

How the ‘Stupid Party’ Created Donald Trump

Greg Mankiw’s Blog: My Take on Mr. Trump

I have Republican friends who think that things couldn’t be worse than doubling down on Obama policies under Hillary Clinton. And, like them, I am no fan of the left’s agenda of large government and high taxes. But they are wrong: Things could be worse. And I fear they would be under Mr. Trump. (via… Continue reading Greg Mankiw’s Blog: My Take on Mr. Trump