Oh Flynn, you never fail to amuse.
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
What Made Marxism So Deadly?
Because autocrats desire centralized control, and Marxism delivers by insisting that the state should own the means of productions. Autocrats also like to pose as populists, and Marxism delivers there too. Even more conveniently, Marx himself said that full communism would take a long time to develop, which provides an endless series of excuses for… Continue reading What Made Marxism So Deadly?
Oliver North Worked With Cocaine Traffickers to Arm Terrorists. Now He’ll Be President of the NRA.
The National Rifle Association has always been clear about drugs: They’re terrifying. Last year, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre darkly warned that members of drug gangs “are infiltrating law enforcement and even the military. via Oliver North Worked With Cocaine Traffickers to Arm Terrorists. Now He’ll Be President of the NRA.
I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me? The idea that we must “understand” those folks carries with it an implicit suggestion that in so doing, we might find some ground for compromise. It would be a great idea in normal times. But again, these times are not normal.… Continue reading Untitled
Rural Kansas is dying. I drove 1,800 miles to find out why
Most Americans experience Kansas from inside their cars, eight hours of cruise-controlled tedium on their way to someplace else. Even residents of the state’s eastern power centers glimpse its vast rural spaces at 85 mph, if at all. via Rural Kansas is dying. I drove 1,800 miles to find out why Worth reading.
Conservatives Are Wrong to Dismiss Feminism
But modern feminists do raise some valid concerns, and conservatives should pay attention, if not to improve the plight of women, then for their own political benefit. via Conservatives Are Wrong to Dismiss Feminism Yes this is the National Review and yes I am recommending it. This article is worth reading and should have found… Continue reading Conservatives Are Wrong to Dismiss Feminism
A pregnant black woman is in prison for defending herself. Mainstream gun groups are silent.
Last summer, a black woman in Michigan defended herself, her mother, and her 2-year-old daughter with a registered (and unloaded) gun against a woman who she and her attorneys say tried to hit them with a car. via A pregnant black woman is in prison for defending herself. Mainstream gun groups are silent. This should… Continue reading A pregnant black woman is in prison for defending herself. Mainstream gun groups are silent.
Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’
Last February, leaked messages from a private WikiLeaks chat group offered an unfiltered glimpse of Julian Assange, complete with misogyny, anti-Semitism, and a clear, early preference for a GOP election victory. Now the U.K. via Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’ Assange is no hero.
Trump administration wants to roll back child labor laws
The Trump administration wants to roll back decades-old protections for America’s youngest workers by allowing teens to toil for longer hours under some of the nation’s most hazardous workplace conditions, a new report said Tuesday. via Trump administration wants to roll back child labor laws Well someone needs to work in those new coal jobs.
UPS has new electric trucks that look straight out of a Pixar movie
UPS has revealed sleek new electric trucks that look like they’ve rolled straight out of Pixar’s Cars series. The company revealed it’s working with vehicle manufacturer Arrival on a pilot fleet of 35 lightweight electric trucks that look far more futuristic than the standard boxy vehicles. via UPS has new electric trucks that look straight… Continue reading UPS has new electric trucks that look straight out of a Pixar movie