“Why aren’t they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show?” Trump said on Twitter on Friday. “A total double standard but that’s O.K., we are Winning, and will be doing so for a long time to come!” via Trump calls for comedian Samantha Bee’s firing after crude… Continue reading Trump calls for comedian Samantha Bee’s firing after crude Ivanka slur
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Repetitively cutting taxes for the rich isn’t the answer
Conservative proponents of supply-side tax cuts remain stuck in the 1980s. Tax cuts worked then, so tax cuts will work again to stimulate growth. That syllogism defies logic, given how the economy and workforce have changed in 37 years since the first Reagan tax cut. via Repetitively cutting taxes for the rich isn’t the answer
Richard Spencer: The Alt-Right Is Not Pro-Free Speech
Richard Spencer, one of the leading figures in the white supremacist alt-right movement, told his podcast co-host that the alt-right didn’t actually believe in free speech and that the alt-right only claimed to advocate for it for “radically pragmatic” reasons. via Richard Spencer: The Alt-Right Is Not Pro-Free Speech This should be a bigger story. Anyone paying… Continue reading Richard Spencer: The Alt-Right Is Not Pro-Free Speech
Trump’s collection of Russiagate deplorables now includes a convicted pedophile
A shadowy businessman convicted for having sex with underage boys is now wrapped up in Robert Mueller’s investigation. Trump’s collection of Russiagate deplorables now includes a convicted pedophile The pizza gate conspiracy trolls are totally cool with this.
I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous
Several years ago, Jordan Peterson told me he wanted to buy a church. This was long before he became known as “the most influential public intellectual in the Western world,” as he was described in the pages of the New York Times a few months ago. via I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I… Continue reading I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous
Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump alleged Tuesday — without providing any evidence — that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will meddle in the midterm elections to benefit Democrats. via Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections In Trumpland, anything good is the result of his being perfect; anything bad is the… Continue reading Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections
We should take the pro-Trump media machine very seriously
President Trump’s supporters believe that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is “unethical,” “desperate,” “partisan” and “a liar.” That is one of the key takeaways from a focus group that Democratic pollster Peter D. via We should take the pro-Trump media machine very seriously Paid protestors.
Harley-Davidson workers stunned by plant closure after tax cut
Tim Primeaux has worked at the Harley-Davidson plant in Kansas City, Missouri, for 17 years. He was sure he was going to retire from the company. That all changed when Harley-Davidson told its 800 employees in January that the plant will be closing next year. via Harley-Davidson workers stunned by plant closure after tax cut… Continue reading Harley-Davidson workers stunned by plant closure after tax cut
Authors of GOP tax law disperse to lobby firms
At least a half dozen high-profile GOP staffers have departed or are departing Capitol Hill, swapping jobs in the legislative branch for plum postings at firms like Akin Gump and Squire Patton Boggs. via Authors of GOP tax law disperse to lobby firms If you weren’t in on the con, you were the mark.
The Right-Wing Millennial Machine
Thompson is on the mailing lists for several conservative youth organizations, and says they feature “nonstop travel scholarships, fellowships and opportunities.” Her progressive lists don’t offer nearly the same volume of funded positions. via The Right-Wing Millennial Machine In other words, campus indoctrination of future paid protestors.