Rice: Military power is not the way to deal in the 21st century

Just during the time Rice has served in the Bush administration, we bombed, invaded and occupied Afghanistan; did the same to Iraq; repeatedly bombed Somalia, killing all sorts of civilians; fed bombs to Israel as they invaded and bombed Lebanon; top political officials (led by John McCain and Joe Lieberman) have repeatedly threatened, and advocated,… Continue reading Rice: Military power is not the way to deal in the 21st century

New evidence suggests Ron Suskind is right

That story begins during the final weeks of 2003, when everyone in the White House was suffering severe embarrassment over both the origins and the consequences of the invasion of Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq. No evidence of significant connections between Saddam Hussein’s regime and the al-Qaida terrorist organization… Continue reading New evidence suggests Ron Suskind is right

A Modest Proposal for Ending Socialized Capitalism

Socialized capitalism of the sort the Fed and the Treasury are now practicing, consisting of private gains and public losses, is untenable. On the other hand, it’s also true that giant Wall Street investments banks as well as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are too big to fail. From Robert Reich’s Blog: A Modest Proposal… Continue reading A Modest Proposal for Ending Socialized Capitalism

RIP, George Carlin

“So my name is a footnote in American legal history, which I’m perversely kind of proud of,” Carlin told The Associated Press. Comedian George Carlin Dies at 71 | The Underwire from Wired.com It is very rare that a person can be funny for two decades. Extremely rare for someone it be funny for three.… Continue reading RIP, George Carlin


More on the story here. Talking Points Memo | Republican Outreach I didn’t think the Texas GOP could sink lower than those phony purple heart band-aids they handed out in 2004. Boy was I wrong. And there are still five months left.