Republicans want to split up the Democratic political opposition and divide black and Latino voters. And Russia looks like it wants to help here, too. But this time it won’t work. The most recent example of this strategy is the #WalkAway hashtag, which is presented as a grassroots effort by former Democrats who are critical… Continue reading Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Dems in midterms
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Trump on January 13 2017: “My People Will Have a Full Report on Hacking Within 90 Days!”
They have yet to provide the report. I think we all know why. (via Trump 90 Days Ago: “My People Will Have a Full Report on Hacking Within 90 Days!”)
Can school design help prevent school shootings?
“IT IS called a lockdown drill,” says Max, a nine-year-old pupil at a private school on the North side. “One teacher pretends to be an intruder. We have to hide in classroom, turn over our desks and hide behind them. via Can school design help prevent school shootings? Guns are creating the tyranny their advocates… Continue reading Can school design help prevent school shootings?
Republican Nominee: God Is A White Supremacist, Jews Come From Satan
Republican nominee for the North Carolina General Assembly says God is a white supremacist and that Jews are descended from Satan. Republican Nominee: God Is A White Supremacist, Jews Come From Satan Civility! We need to reach out to him and make sure he isn’t feeling economic anxiety. Quick, is there a SJW we can… Continue reading Republican Nominee: God Is A White Supremacist, Jews Come From Satan
Texas deserves better than Ted Cruz
Army discharging some immigrant recruits: report
The U.S. Army has begun quietly discharging some immigrant members, a move that could put those member’s immigration status at risk, The Associated Press reported Thursday. via Army discharging some immigrant recruits: report This should be a bigger story.
What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now
even before Obama had named Garland, and in fact only hours after Scalia’s death was announced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year. via… Continue reading What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now
PA councilman arrested for driving into protesters
One of two people injured in the hit-and-run wants Wagner to resign. PA councilman arrested for driving into protesters Civility!
Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler
Free speech advocate, ‘intellectual’ and professional provocateur Jordan Peterson is suing a university for technically using free speech in a defamation lawsuit. via Jordan Peterson is suing a unversity that compared him to Hitler He never gave a damn about free speech.