How starving the beast makes us fat

tax cuts that are not matched by spending cuts actually result in increased government spending – for the citizenry as a whole, the pain of payment for products received has been eliminated. When we receive government services without paying their full cost, we consume more such services. If every spending initiative had to be matched… Continue reading How starving the beast makes us fat

Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? If such a man exists, he is sitting in an Israeli military prison

Abu Rahmah’s crime was organizing illegal demonstrations in a West Bank village where all demonstrations are by definition illegal. Abu Rahmah, 39, had long been involved in peaceful, multiethnic protests in the village of Bil’in, where Israel’s separation wall has cut Palestinians off from hundreds of acres of their land. Though barely covered in the… Continue reading Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? If such a man exists, he is sitting in an Israeli military prison

Obama’s silent majority

Liberal commentators and activists and interest group leaders may be seething over Obama, but their rage has not trickled down to the Democratic voters (and, in particular, the Democratic voters who identify themselves as liberals), even though they’ve been venting their grief for the better part of two years. As I noted earlier this week,… Continue reading Obama’s silent majority

PETA hits a new low, starts digging.

The ads from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals features a scan of a curvaceous woman in lacy underwear with the message: “Be Proud of Your Body Scan: Go Vegan.” From salon PETA hits a new low, starts digging.

A European-Style Fiscal Crisis Is Impossible in the United States of America

The government of Ireland can run out of Euros—they make Euros in Frankfurt. And the government of Peru can run out of dollars—they make dollars in Washington. But the government of the United States can’t run out of dollars. The problem we could find ourselves with is the problem of inflation. Problematic inflation is a… Continue reading A European-Style Fiscal Crisis Is Impossible in the United States of America

Juan Williams on Unemployment Insurance

Juan Williams explains how continuing unemployment insurance is hurting the unemployed by keeping them from working and thus losing their work ethic, losing their values and also not dressing well or getting up from bed in the morning and thus not able to get a job From Talking Points Memo Therefore recessions are caused by… Continue reading Juan Williams on Unemployment Insurance