No, he doesn’t understand. He himself is doing fine and can not imagine others who are not doing as well. they will eventually get it, but if they never got it—you’re talking about a third of a percent on our GDP so it’s not like it’s a gigantic number overall Wilbur Ross can not connect… Continue reading Ross: ‘I Don’t Understand Why’ Federal Workers Are Using Food Banks
I’m going to make you an offer you can’t accept.
One of the things that isn’t be said enough is that the president is really bad at making deals and really bad at recognizing when there is a deal to be made. The democrats would like a path to citizenship. They would like to fully fund the ACA. They would like infrastructure bills. They might… Continue reading I’m going to make you an offer you can’t accept.
What the ‘Both Sides Brigade’ gets wrong about the shutdown | MSNBC
The kidnappers demand for random is one reason for the impasse, the victim’s family unwillingness to reward the criminals is the other. Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion for his border wall is one reason for the budget impasse. The Democrats refusal to approve the money is another. Source: What the ‘Both Sides Brigade’ gets… Continue reading What the ‘Both Sides Brigade’ gets wrong about the shutdown | MSNBC
Michael Cohen postpones testimony ‘after Donald Trump threatens his family’
Stop thinking it’s a political party. it’s an organized crime family
For a Besieged F.B.I., the Shutdown is the Latest Trump-Era Assault | The New Yorker
If I was a foreign power looking to exert power over the US I would want to disable the US ability to stop me from exerting that power. Read this and see if you can think of a better way than destroying the career of a whole generation of FBI agents and hurting the ability… Continue reading For a Besieged F.B.I., the Shutdown is the Latest Trump-Era Assault | The New Yorker
MAGA Hat Baghdad Bob.
Trump Must Be a Russian Agent; the Alternative Is Too Awful | WIRED
we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,”… Continue reading Trump Must Be a Russian Agent; the Alternative Is Too Awful | WIRED
Don’t Negotiate with Hostage Takers – Talking Points Memo
The shutdown bacillus that Newt Gingrich injected into our political system in 1995 must be eradicated. It was dormant for almost two decades until Republicans (neo-Gingrichites) returned to power in the House in 2011. It’s wrong. It’s destructive. And it’s the same principle we apply to all terrorists. You can’t negotiate with terrorists or hostage… Continue reading Don’t Negotiate with Hostage Takers – Talking Points Memo
Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown Moves Closer To Joining 2020 Campaign : NPR
Seeking to counter President Trump’s appeal to white, working-class voters that helped him flip Ohio and other key midwestern states, Brown is launching a “Dignity of Work” tour through Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. “Too many Democrats, the national Democratic Party, sees this in kind of this false choice of Democrats speak to… Continue reading Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown Moves Closer To Joining 2020 Campaign : NPR
Brett Kavanaugh Offers to Pay for Wall by Recycling His Empties | The New Yorker
The newest Supreme Court Justice said that the inspiration came to him while he was building a beer-can pyramid in his basement rec room. Source: Brett Kavanaugh Offers to Pay for Wall by Recycling His Empties | The New Yorker