Experts question the legality of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s proposal to bar New York City’s food-stamp recipients from using them to buy sugared drinks. From Plan to Ban Food Stamps for Sodas Faces Obstacles – Why doesn’t the debate over taxing junk food ever include discussion about ending the broken farm subsidies system that… Continue reading Plan to Ban Food Stamps for Sodas Faces Obstacles
Category: Uncategorized
Why zip codes have connotations.
From Why zip codes have connotations.
Who’s Afraid Of Sharia Law?
A Martian takeover of New Jersey is more likely than the imposition of a caliphate, or of Muslim law, on America, for any number of reasons From Who’s Afraid Of Sharia Law? Next up on Fox, are the Martians going to take over New Jersey and why isn’t Obama doing anything about it?
Schedule Your Work to Avoid Choking Your Calendar with Interruptions
most people don’t schedule their work. They schedule the interruptions that prevent their work from happening. In the case of a business like ours, what clients pay us to make and do happens in the cracks between meetings From Schedule Your Work to Avoid Choking Your Calendar with Interruptions Sad but true.
Activism of Thomas’s Wife Could Raise Judicial Issues
It is the most partisan role ever for a spouse of a justice on the nation’s highest court, and Mrs. Thomas is just getting started. “Liberty Central will be bigger than the Tea Party movement,” she told Fox News in April, at a Tea Party rally in Atlanta. But to some people who study judicial… Continue reading Activism of Thomas’s Wife Could Raise Judicial Issues
How Much Does the Market Organization of Economic Life Matter?
In 1989, the Iron Curtain came down, and we could see what a difference it made as we could examine levels of material well-being on both sides of the Curtain. This is as close to a perfect natural experiment as anyone could wish: the Iron Curtain’s location was determined by where Stalin’s and Mao’s and… Continue reading How Much Does the Market Organization of Economic Life Matter?
Taliban Allies, Warlord Flunkies Guard U.S. Bases
The U.S. military’s bases in Afghanistan are frequently guarded by Afghans who pay kickbacks to warlords — and even aid the Taliban. That’s what the Senate Armed Services Committee found after a year-long investigation into 125 contracts held by private security firms in Afghanistan. In a report released today (.pdf), the committee discovered that the… Continue reading Taliban Allies, Warlord Flunkies Guard U.S. Bases
This Oct has 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. Only happens every 823 years
This Oct has 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. Only happens every 823 years From This Oct has 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. Only happens every 823 years Better than 10/10/10!
Railing Against Rail
people like me probably have a slight affinity for rail because it’s a kind of socially provided good. But I don’t think it’s comparably irrational: rail just makes a lot of sense for densely populated regions, especially but not only the Northeast Corridor. New York could not function at all without commuter rail, and Amtrak… Continue reading Railing Against Rail
James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross
James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross From James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross – War Room – If your defense is that it wouldn’t have been “that gross” then you probably should shut up and slitter away before… Continue reading James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross