Every accusation is confession or aspiration

Today on NPR Attorneys for a group of news organizations, including NPR, said in a legal filing on Tuesday that evidence used at the sentencing of a rioter charged in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol had “disappeared” from an online government platform. From Jan. 6 video evidence has ‘disappeared’ from public… Continue reading Every accusation is confession or aspiration

The zaniness of evil

clown congress

The silliness of the GOP speaker food fight has fooled large numbers of Americans-and most frustratingly-a strong plurality of the media, into seeing this as those wacky Republicans are at it again.

ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse

After the vote, party leaders rushed to clarify that language, saying it was never meant to apply to rioters who violently stormed the Capitol in Mr. Trump’s name. “Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger crossed a line,” Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee chairwoman, said in a statement. “They chose to join Nancy Pelosi in a… Continue reading ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse

Catch 1/6 is the new Catch 22

If you take the GOP at it’s word, you can not investigate Trump for anything he did before he became president-that’s a witch hunt. You can’t investigate Trump for anything he did while in office because that is subverting the will of the voters. You also can’t take action once he leaves office, it’s too… Continue reading Catch 1/6 is the new Catch 22