we have become a society in which less-educated men have great difficulty finding jobs with decent wages and good benefits. Yet somehow we’re supposed to be surprised that such men have become less likely to participate in the work force or get married, and conclude that there must have been some mysterious moral collapse caused… Continue reading Untitled
Category: politics
CPAC Set to Host White Nationalist Leader
CPAC Set to Host White Nationalist Leader
Following speeches from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rep. Michele Bachmann, CPAC is hosting the panel “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity” with Peter Brimelow, the founder and head of VDARE.com. VDARE is a White Nationalist website, run by Brimelow, which frequently publishes the works of anti-Semitic and racist writers.
Another one of those isolated incidents. Overt racism is now allowed at CPAC. The wiliness to excuse this has now become part of the conservative movement.
Where do the House and Senate disagree on the STOCK Act?
Where do the House and Senate disagree on the STOCK Act?
Watered down version of a bill first suggested by #OWS passes. Sunlight has some technical details.
it’s never really been about abortion, it’s always been about women not being properly punished for having unapproved sex. Eschaton: It’s Always Been About Birth Control And Sex
Is Eric Cantor Trying To Kill The Proposed Ban On Congressional Insider Trading?
You are a white man aged 30 without a college degree. Your grandfather returned from World War II, got a cheap mortgage courtesy of the GI bill, married his sweetheart and went to work in a factory job that paid him something like $50,000 in today’s money plus health benefits and pension. Your father started… Continue reading Untitled
H.R.3806: One Subject at a Time Act
H.R.3806: One Subject at a Time Act
To end the practice of including more than one subject in a single bill by requiring that each bill enacted by Congress be limited to only one subject.
So SOPA2 can’t be tacked onto a bill to fund state parks.
Six Mile Figure High Club: Almost all Super PAC money comes in contributions of $100,000 or more.
Six Mile Figure High Club: Almost all Super PAC money comes in contributions of $100,000 or more.
And this is for all SuperPACs. A few deep pockets able to have disproportional influence on the election process.
maybe Gingrich deserves some credit for his persistence. He pressed ahead last summer when the entire political world was writing him off and ridiculing him — and by December, he was leading by double-digits in national polls. Then, party elites panicked and cut him down to size and Gingrich was again written off — only… Continue reading Untitled
India Factory Workers Revolt, Kill Company President
India Factory Workers Revolt, Kill Company President
This is what class warfare actually looks like. Chanting and singing in the park is just chanting and singing in the park.