
we have become a society in which less-educated men have great difficulty finding jobs with decent wages and good benefits. Yet somehow we’re supposed to be surprised that such men have become less likely to participate in the work force or get married, and conclude that there must have been some mysterious moral collapse caused… Continue reading Untitled

CPAC Set to Host White Nationalist Leader

CPAC Set to Host White Nationalist Leader


it’s never really been about abortion, it’s always been about women not being properly punished for having unapproved sex. Eschaton: It’s Always Been About Birth Control And Sex


You are a white man aged 30 without a college degree. Your grandfather returned from World War II, got a cheap mortgage courtesy of the GI bill, married his sweetheart and went to work in a factory job that paid him something like $50,000 in today’s money plus health benefits and pension. Your father started… Continue reading Untitled


maybe Gingrich deserves some credit for his persistence. He pressed ahead last summer when the entire political world was writing him off and ridiculing him — and by December, he was leading by double-digits in national polls. Then, party elites panicked and cut him down to size and Gingrich was again written off — only… Continue reading Untitled