
Pundits in good standing have been expected to make calls for bipartisanship that involve pretending that Republican politicians are actually the kind of statesmen the party used to contain, but no longer does. Looking Back With Shrillness – NYTimes.com

Rick Santorum Rejects Catholic Church Teaching on Evolution

Rick Santorum Rejects Catholic Church Teaching on Evolution


I’m putting the odds that Santorum will make a public comment about the immodesty of women’s clothing before the general election at 5/2.


Less than 1 percent of registered voters turned out for Maine’s caucus. In Nevada, where Republican turnout was down 25 percent from 2008, only 3 percent of total registered voters participated. This is not majority rule by any measure; it barely qualifies as participatory democracy. The Electoral Wasteland – NYTimes.com


Most of Western Europe today is both more equal in incomes and more economically mobile than the United States. And it isn’t just Western Europe. Countries as varied as Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and Pakistan all have higher degrees of income mobility than we do. A nation that prides itself on its lack of class… Continue reading Untitled


on average, conservative states feature more “dependency” on federal programs than do liberal ones. You can slice this kind of data in a variety of ways, but you always end up with the same aggregate pattern. (via How Blue America Subsidizes Red America)


( A Lack of a Culture War Truce In One Graph | Rortybomb) You remember that whole thing about the Tea Party being all about fiscal conservatism? Yeah, turns out that was BS.


When you hear some talk sympathetically about the rights of sovereign citizens; ask them if they are OK with undocumented sovereign citizens coming over the border from Mexico.