Surveillance Tapes Show Zimmerman Without Bloody Nose or Gash to Head
Category: politics
what the money of rich cranks does is ensure that bad ideas never go away — indeed, they can gain strength even as they fail in practice again and again. The notion that wonderful things happen if you cut taxes on the rich and terrible things happen if you raise them has a stronger hold… Continue reading Untitled
When lieutenant governor Kerry Healey, a fellow Republican, called for suspending the state’s 23.5 cent gas tax during a price spike in May 2006, Romney rejected the idea, saying it would only further drive up gasoline consumption. “I don’t think that now is the time, and I’m not sure there will be the right time,… Continue reading Untitled
Guns Don’t Kill People, Hoodies Kill People
Guns Don’t Kill People, Hoodies Kill People
Geraldo Rivera: “I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”
Clearly we need the state to come in and ban hoodies. We can’t risk another incident where a hoodie gets shot while wrapped around some kid.
One thing is certain the Trayvon Martin case.
One thing is certain the Trayvon Martin case. The first person to suggest that this case has nothing to do with race will be what passes for a conservative pundit. Then again if there were still old school conservatives around, they would be blasting Zimmerman for being a vigilante.
Peter Schiff: In the 19th century we were quite undemocratic in the way government ran, and we benefited from that lack of democracy.
Someone should ask Mr. Schiff if women, blacks, the Irish et al; benefited from that lack of democracy as much as he imagines he would have.
Low-income students with high test scores are less likely to finish college than high-income students with low test scores (via Equality of Opportunity? Never Mind –
Cenk Uygur: A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings
Cenk Uygur: A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings
How many listeners does Rush Limbaugh have? Well, in the press there are only two numbers you’ll ever see – 20 million or 15 million. Those are large numbers, so that is why Limbaugh is taken seriously and is believed to be influential. I’ve got news for you – those numbers are a total fabrication. They’re made up out of whole cloth. You want to know where the 20 million number came from? It was first printed in Billboard magazine back in 1993.
Cenk doesn’t buy Rush’s claim and neither do I. There has never been an independent accounting of his listener count. He doesn’t subscribe to any of the radio ratings services. Back in Air America days, there was a discussion that Rush was only in the top-ten in one of the top 20 markets. He had been in the top 25 in NYC only once in the prior 36 months.
‘Axis of Evil’ Author David Frum on Breitbart (by SamSeder) …writes the guy who coined axis of evil. (Source:
TPM Confirms Andrew Breitbart Dead At 43
TPM Confirms Andrew Breitbart Dead At 43
I wasn’t a fan. And I disliked his involvement in the political discussion as he made everything he touched toxic. But if you are cheering his death then you are a ghoul. His wife and kids don’t deserve the pain of seeing you cheer his suddent death.