
what the money of rich cranks does is ensure that bad ideas never go away — indeed, they can gain strength even as they fail in practice again and again. The notion that wonderful things happen if you cut taxes on the rich and terrible things happen if you raise them has a stronger hold… Continue reading Untitled


When lieutenant governor Kerry Healey, a fellow Republican, called for suspending the state’s 23.5 cent gas tax during a price spike in May 2006, Romney rejected the idea, saying it would only further drive up gasoline consumption. “I don’t think that now is the time, and I’m not sure there will be the right time,… Continue reading Untitled

Peter Schiff: In the 19th century we were quite undemocratic in the way government ran, and we benefited from that lack of democracy.

Peter Schiff: In the 19th century we were quite undemocratic in the way government ran, and we benefited from that lack of democracy.


Low-income students with high test scores are less likely to finish college than high-income students with low test scores (via Equality of Opportunity? Never Mind – NYTimes.com)

Cenk Uygur: A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings

Cenk Uygur: A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings