Mr. Romney Reinvents History

Mr. Romney Reinvents History

Romney’s Former Company Under Investigation For Tax Evasion

Romney’s Former Company Under Investigation For Tax Evasion


GOP 101. All success must be privatized, all failure must be socialized. If something bad happens, it is the fault of government. If something good happens, it is because of something the GOP approves of. The reasoning behind we built that is the same that is behind the bailouts.


Anyone shocked that the party that isn’t able to function in congress without grandstanding and obstructionism is unable to have a smooth running convention?

Police: All Empire State shooting victims were wounded by officers

Police: All Empire State shooting victims were wounded by officers


Ryan’s legislative record shows him renaming post offices, honoring Ronald Reagan and Wisconsin, approving commemorative coins, and increasing the deficit. The Real Ryan Record: 2 Minor Bills, Lots of High-Profile Talk, Gridlock – Garance Franke-Ruta – The Atlantic