in the 18 years before tougher laws were passed, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia…and none in the 10.5 years afterwards. The results of tougher gun laws in Australia Yet the claim that people who want guns will find a way? Why?
Category: politics
Republicans are demanding ever deeper spending cuts, but they won’t detail with any meaningful specificity what those cuts should be, and they insist they can solve our revenue problem via eliminating loopholes and deductions, but they won’t detail with any meaningful specificity what those should be, either. By contrast, Dems have detailed their demands —… Continue reading Untitled
All the “fiscal cliff” nonsense is just acknowledging that contractionary policy is contractionary. That all the serious people have been advocating contractionary policy for years seems to have been lost. Maybe we take the next step and learn that expansionary policy is expansionary. Eschaton: We’re All Keynesians Now
RINO Hunters Fire Warning Shots At Republican Senate Candidates
RINO Hunters Fire Warning Shots At Republican Senate Candidates
Tea Party Express has a history of upsetting the Republican establishment. The group backed O’Donnell’s Delaware Senate run in 2010 and got behind Mourdock’s primary challenge against Lugar this year. Kremer said it was “way too early to make any decisions on what races we will be involved in during the 2014 cycle,”
The Tea Party has been more successful at getting moderate Dems elected in red states than the DLC.
Revenge of the Reality-Based Community
Revenge of the Reality-Based Community
At least a few conservatives now recognize that Republicans suffer for epistemic closure. They were genuinely shocked at Romney’s loss because they ignored every poll not produced by a right-wing pollster such as Rasmussen or approved by right-wing pundits such as the perpetually wrong Dick Morris. Living in the Fox News cocoon, most Republicans had no clue that they were losing or that their ideas were both stupid and politically unpopular. I am disinclined to think that Republicans are yet ready for a serious questioning of their philosophy or strategy.
Bruce Bartlett is attempting to pull the right back to reality. I wish him luck.
Robert Reich: Why BP Isn’t a Criminal
Robert Reich: Why BP Isn’t a Criminal
I’m appalled by the carelessness and indifference of the BP executives responsible for the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that killed eleven people on April 20, 2010, and unleashed the worst oil spill in American history.
But it defies logic to make BP itself the criminal. Corporations aren’t people. They can’t know right from wrong. They’re incapable of criminal intent. They have no brains. They’re legal fictions — pieces of paper filed away in a vault in some bank.
Holding corporations criminally liable reinforces the same fallacy that gave us Citizen’s United
Dole/Kemp 1996, The Issues
Back in 1996 the Dole/Kemp platform promised to grow the economy by cutting taxes and closing loopholes.
20 states secede from union.
Where America’s Racist Tweets Come From
Where America’s Racist Tweets Come From
Notice a pattern?
If conservative billionaires are looking for something else to be mad about, I’d recommend the Romney campaign’s apparent habit of paying about 50 percent more for TV spots than the Obama campaign. That helped line the pockets of the consultants who both recommended the buys and got the commissions for placing the spots, but it… Continue reading Untitled