Place all members of the government under the same healthcare legislation that ordinary citizens are, with no exceptions

Place all members of the government under the same healthcare legislation that ordinary citizens are, with no exceptions

The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery

The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery


If anyone has a date and a good source for this quote, let me know. Its on dozens of news sites but I don’t see a time/date associated with it.

Pointing out that the talking points about Hitler and gun control are mostly wrong is the same as holocaust denial?

Pointing out that the talking points about Hitler and gun control are mostly wrong is the same as holocaust denial?

The Hitler gun control lie

The Hitler gun control lie

New York Post Helps NYPD Slander Occupy Wall Street (Again)

New York Post Helps NYPD Slander Occupy Wall Street (Again)


Four adults are killed in Benghazi and the right-wing politicizes it endlessly. But 20 small children are slaughtered in Connecticut and the nation is told to do nothing. Waiting for the good guys – Roger Simon –