
“Maybe I Am A Welfare Queens” Wonders Cliven Bundy (by Sam Seder) Sam Seder comments on CNN interview with Cliven Bundy and points out that he actually more of a thief then a welfare queen. The ranchers that get subsidized grazing are the welfare queens. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

Is David Brooks an idiot?

Is David Brooks an idiot?

Politics by Subpoena: How Darrell Issa Abuses His Power, and Why

Politics by Subpoena: How Darrell Issa Abuses His Power, and Why

The Conservative Myth of a Social Safety Net Built on Charity

The Conservative Myth of a Social Safety Net Built on Charity

Tea Party and Wall Street Are Getting Along Just Fine

Tea Party and Wall Street Are Getting Along Just Fine

Promoting Evolution Is ‘An Act Of Disloyalty To America’

Promoting Evolution Is ‘An Act Of Disloyalty To America’

Paul Ryan’s Irish Amnesia

Paul Ryan’s Irish Amnesia