Category: politics
Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year
Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year
Policing should not be a for profit enterprise.
Donald Trump Won’t Self-Fund General-Election Campaign
Donald Trump Won’t Self-Fund General-Election Campaign
Remember everyone; when other candidates take money, it’s a bribe. When Trump takes the funds it won’t be a bribe. Trump will demand to be treated by the special snowflake rules he lives by.
Actually, Hillary Clinton is a fiscal conservative — look it up
Actually, Hillary Clinton is a fiscal conservative — look it up
According to a new report from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the most fiscally conservative presidential contender left standing is . . . Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump Doesn’t Know We Invaded Iraq After We Invaded Afghanistan
Donald Trump Doesn’t Know We Invaded Iraq After We Invaded Afghanistan
That’s one place, frankly, instead of going to Iraq, we should have probably gone there(Afghanistan) first.
Trump’s crazy attempt not to sound crazy
Trump’s crazy attempt not to sound crazy
This speech was at an eighth-grade comprehension level, five years beyond Trump’s usual.
John Boehner just confirmed everything liberals suspected about the Republican Party
John Boehner just confirmed everything liberals suspected about the Republican Party
John Boehner was the Speaker of the House as recently as a single year ago. He is, himself, a conservative Republican. And he is saying, flatly, that the Republican Party has been captured by morons, goofballs, and “Lucifer.” He is saying that the party has moved so far to the right that Ronald Reagan wouldn’t recognize it.
Boehner is validating one of the most persistent and controversial critiques of the modern Republican Party. And he has the authority to do so.
24% Opt Out of a Clinton-Trump Race – Rasmussen Reports™
24% Opt Out of a Clinton-Trump Race – Rasmussen Reports™
Trump is more toxic within his own party than Clinton is in hers. If Trump is the Republican nominee, 16% of GOP voters say they would choose a third-party candidate, while five percent (5%) would stay home. Sixty-six percent (66%) would vote for Trump, but 10% would vote for Clinton instead.
If Clinton is the Democratic nominee, 11% of Democrats would vote third-party, while three percent (3%) would stay home. Seventy-five percent (75%) would support the nominee, but 11% say they would vote for Trump.
Among voters not affiliated with either major party, nearly one-third say they would opt out: 21% would choose a candidate other than Trump or Clinton, and 10% would stay home. Trump leads Clinton 38% to 27% among unaffiliated voters.
Here are the many ways Trump’s big foreign policy speech made no damn sense
Here are the many ways Trump’s big foreign policy speech made no damn sense
We have to be both stable and completely unpredictable: Trump repeatedly said the United States had “no coherent foreign policy” and needed to again become a stable and dependable ally. How to do that? “We must, as a nation, be more unpredictable.”
I don’t think Trump understands the difference between platitudes and policy.
Wrath of the Conned
Both parties make promises to their bases. But while the Democratic establishment more or less tries to make good on those promises, the Republican establishment has essentially been playing bait-and-switch for decades. And voters finally rebelled against the con.
One possible explanation is the decadence of the G.O.P. establishment, which has become ingrown and lost touch. Apparatchiks who have spent their whole careers inside the bubble of right-wing think tanks and partisan media may suffer from the delusion that their ideology is actually popular with real people. And this has left them hapless in the face of a Trumpian challenge.
Worth a read.