Steve Bannon Will Lead Trump’s White House
When Steve Bannon thinks of Lenin, he thinks of someone who weakened state power. Nice to know.
The Red White and Blue Pill
Steve Bannon Will Lead Trump’s White House
When Steve Bannon thinks of Lenin, he thinks of someone who weakened state power. Nice to know.
‘Rape Melania’ Sign at Anti-Trump Protest
It looks like a hoax. But give the guy credit on his impressive Photoshop skills.
Pence pushes for email privacy
I’m going to assume that the same people who were upset about deleted email from Hillary’s email server will demand that Pence make his email public.
Donald Trump May Select an Architect of Bush’s Torture Program to Run CIA
The same people who attacked Hillary for destroying evidence of yoga classes are picking someone who destroyed evidence of torture.
Newt Gingrich’s Congressional Ethics Scandal Explained
Putting the gator in charge of swamp draining
Judge Denies Trump’s Request To Bar Campaign Evidence From Trump U Case
The lawsuit against Trump University claims that Trump and the organization defrauded its students. Back in May, Trump said Curiel was biased against him because he was “Mexican.” Curiel was born in Indiana.
Trump’s White Nationalist Backers Train Their Eyes On Elected Office, Admin Posts
This is what we said would happen
Russian Official: Moscow Had Contact With Trump Team During Campaign
I’m sure the people who were upset about the publicly disclosed connections by the Clinton initiative will be really upset about this. Here we have the campaign working closely with the Russians without any disclosure of potential conflict of interests.
Team Trump is struggling to fill numerous key slots
This is bad. This means that the slots will be filled with B list people or worse. It also means that the transition will be really rocky.