Alan Grayson: Walmart is ‘the largest recipient of public aid in the country’

Alan Grayson: Walmart is ‘the largest recipient of public aid in the country’

How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart

How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart

Only 3% of the very rich are entrepreneurs

Only 3% of the very rich are entrepreneurs


Recent events have also demonstrated clearly what was already apparent to careful observers: the deficit-scold movement was never really about the deficit. Instead, it was about using deficit fears to shred the social safety net. And letting that happen wouldn’t just be bad policy; it would be a betrayal of the Americans who just re-elected… Continue reading Untitled

Blaming China Masks our Real Economic Problems

Blaming China Masks our Real Economic Problems

The austerity party: At 2012 Convention, Democrats reposition themselves as the party of deficit reduction.

The austerity party: At 2012 Convention, Democrats reposition themselves as the party of deficit reduction.


anyone who believes that the gold standard era was marked by price stability, or for that matter any kind of stability, just hasn’t looked at the evidence. The fact is that prices have been far more stable under that dangerous inflationist Ben Bernanke than they ever were when gold ruled. Golden Instability –