In 1989, the Iron Curtain came down, and we could see what a difference it made as we could examine levels of material well-being on both sides of the Curtain. This is as close to a perfect natural experiment as anyone could wish: the Iron Curtain’s location was determined by where Stalin’s and Mao’s and… Continue reading How Much Does the Market Organization of Economic Life Matter?
Year: 2010
Taliban Allies, Warlord Flunkies Guard U.S. Bases
The U.S. military’s bases in Afghanistan are frequently guarded by Afghans who pay kickbacks to warlords — and even aid the Taliban. That’s what the Senate Armed Services Committee found after a year-long investigation into 125 contracts held by private security firms in Afghanistan. In a report released today (.pdf), the committee discovered that the… Continue reading Taliban Allies, Warlord Flunkies Guard U.S. Bases
This Oct has 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. Only happens every 823 years
This Oct has 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. Only happens every 823 years From This Oct has 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. Only happens every 823 years Better than 10/10/10!
Railing Against Rail
people like me probably have a slight affinity for rail because it’s a kind of socially provided good. But I don’t think it’s comparably irrational: rail just makes a lot of sense for densely populated regions, especially but not only the Northeast Corridor. New York could not function at all without commuter rail, and Amtrak… Continue reading Railing Against Rail
James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross
James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross From James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross – War Room – If your defense is that it wouldn’t have been “that gross” then you probably should shut up and slitter away before… Continue reading James O’Keefe defends “sex boat” prank by saying it wouldn’t have been that gross
For-pay fire department lets man’s house burn
The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn’t do anything to stop his house from burning. Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South… Continue reading For-pay fire department lets man’s house burn
Krugman : How The Other Half Thinks
While the other side was making these predictions, people like me were saying that classical economics was all wrong in a liquidity trap. Government borrowing did not confront a fixed supply of funds: we were in a paradox of thrift world, where desired savings (at full employment) exceeded desired investment, and hence savings would expand… Continue reading Krugman : How The Other Half Thinks
Racist 90 Year Old C-SPAN Caller Asks Why ‘Colored People’ Aren’t More Grateful for ‘Free Everything’
CALLER: I’m 90 years old and I just wanted to ask the colored man, why don’t colored people instead of saying what we did to them, why don’t they say what we did for them? They talk about the slavery but since then they have been given welfare, free medicine, free everything. HARLESTON: Ma’am I… Continue reading Racist 90 Year Old C-SPAN Caller Asks Why ‘Colored People’ Aren’t More Grateful for ‘Free Everything’
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