Paula Duncan, a juror in the Paul Manafort trial, told Fox News on Wednesday that one holdout juror was the… Lone Manafort Juror Blocked Conviction On All 18 Counts ‘Duncan said that for herself personally, her allegiance to the President made it difficult for her to contribute to the conviction of his former campaign chairman.’… Continue reading Lone Manafort Juror Blocked Conviction On All 18 Counts
Adam Schiff on Twitter
“In his praise for Manafort, now convicted of multiple felonies but refusing to spill the beans, to his ire with Cohen for a willingness to cooperate, to his absurd claim that turning state’s evidence should be outlawed, Trump acts more like a mob boss than a president.” Adam Schiff on Twitter Trump’s words and actions… Continue reading Adam Schiff on Twitter
AP source: It’s not just audio, Manigault Newman has video
WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s not just audiotapes. Omarosa Manigault Newman has a stash of video, emails, text messages and other documentation supporting the claims in her AP source: It’s not just audio, Manigault Newman has video There were recordings made in the white house and as far as I know, I’m the only one talking… Continue reading AP source: It’s not just audio, Manigault Newman has video
Meet the Indiana dad who hunts Russian trolls
When it comes to hobbies, Josh Russell concedes he gets a little obsessive. No matter his interest, be it videogames or miniature figurine board games, he always wants to be the best. Perhaps that explains the dedication he’s shown to his latest pastime: Hunting Russian trolls. Meet the Indiana dad who hunts Russian trolls Not… Continue reading Meet the Indiana dad who hunts Russian trolls
The Latest: Senate Rejects New Money for Election Security
The Republican-controlled Senate has defeated a push by Democrats to set aside an additional $250 million for states to upgrade their voting systems to protect against hacking and other cyberattacks. via The Latest: Senate Rejects New Money for Election Security If not collusion, what’s the reason for blocking this?
This Is ‘Not Fine’: New Evidence Of Russian Interference Meets Inaction, Frustration
Senate intelligence committee Chairman Richard Burr summed up how lawmakers and Trump administration officials have failed to acknowledge the dangerous problem of foreign influence operations in America on Wednesday, with an internet meme. via This Is ‘Not Fine’: New Evidence Of Russian Interference Meets Inaction, Frustration If not collusion, what is the possible reason?
Civility watch: Trump approvingly tweets video of his rally crowd harassing a journalist
One of the most chilling aspects of the Trump presidency for anyone with a baseline familiarity with history is the way his rhetoric has whipped up crowds at his rallies. via Trump approvingly tweets video of his rally crowd harassing a journalist
Ride-sharing causes far more city traffic than it prevents: report
Uber and Lyft have long argued that they are a complement to mass transit, and that with the growth of their pooled-ride services they are reducing individual car use, congestion and pollution in this city and others. Not so, according to a report released Wednesday. via Ride-sharing causes far more city traffic than it prevents:… Continue reading Ride-sharing causes far more city traffic than it prevents: report
David Brooks is still an idiot.
The Democrats are emphasizing fighting grit these days, not compassion or technocratic expertise. via What Is the Democratic Story? If you google “david brooks profiles in timidity” you’ll see he often makes the exact oppisite argument. That the dems lack courage of conviction and lean on technocratic policy arguments. David Brooks doesn’t care what dems… Continue reading David Brooks is still an idiot.
State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.
WASHINGTON — As Russia’s virtual war against the United States continues unabated with the midterm elections approaching, the State Department has yet to spend any of the $120 million it has been allocated since late 2016 to counter foreign efforts to meddle in elections or sow distrust in democ via State Dept. Was Granted $120… Continue reading State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.