Trump’s drone war escalation has gone unreported. His blocking of all reporting on it has gone unnoticed. I don’t hear a single thing about this from the concern trolls who cared very deeply about Obama’s drone war.
He needs to put away the victim card, stop blaming others for his situation and pull himself by his own bootstraps
He needs to put away the victim card, stop blaming others for his situation and pull himself by his own bootstraps
Hannity has mentioned Clinton on 86 percent of his shows since Trump’s inauguration: study
Sean Hannity needs to respect the results of the election and move with his life.
Bret Stephens should show the same respect to the man who called him a bedbug that he demands we show to Nazis on campus.
Republican attempts to shut down free speech on campus because his feelings were hurt. None of the free speech concern trolls who stand up for Nazis could be reached for comment.
GITMO for families escaping violence
GITMO for families escaping violence. This administration is saying that people who are not breaking the law can be rounded up and placed in camps without adequate food, medical care or hygiene and denied access to the rule of law; and the administration is saying it can do this indefinitely. Can we call them concentration… Continue reading GITMO for families escaping violence
U.S. Deported a Detroit Man to Iraq. If he had been a POW, this would have been a war crime.
If Mr. Aldaoud had been yanked out of a POW camp and dumped into the streets somewhere to die, it would have been a violation of international law.
Mitch McConnell is burning down the country so he can collect the insurance money.
Call it what it is, burning down the country to collect the insurance money.
What Liberals must learn about Ilhan Omar
Republicans will not hold you up as the embodiment of the American Dream, alive and well in the US. They will tell you to go back where you came from.
Trump’s HHS embraces socialized medicine
Canadian drugs aren’t cheaper because they went on a medical vacation to Canada. They are cheaper because Canadian socialized medicine works.
Using the military as a campaign prop. Nothing new.
If you pretend politicized national intelligence started with Trump, you’ll never be able to actually address the problem, let alone fix it.