Remember when conservatives cared about the constitution and states rights? Man that feels like ages ago.
Category: trumpsterfire
Officials beg Trump to send help after storms kill 20 across the South
Officials beg Trump to send help after storms kill 20 across the South
This is the shadow shutdown in action. No one is answering the phone. No one is doing the work needed. The vital services will not be provided. Is this making America great? Is this what a great nation looks like?
EXCLUSIVE: Tiffany Trump Is Currently Registered to Vote in Two States
EXCLUSIVE: Tiffany Trump Is Currently Registered to Vote in Two States
We need a crackdown on people who own multiple homes. They should show ID, a recent blood test and answer last nights final jeopardy.
Trump is still relying on his unsecured Android phone
Given how much attention Trump paid to Hillary Clinton’s private email server, you’d think he’d be careful about opening himself up to similar scrutiny. (via NYT: Trump is still relying on his unsecured Android phone) So when does the “lock him up” chanting start?
Trump’s most senior staff use a private email server
Trump’s most senior staff use a private email server
I’m sure all the people who chanted lock her up will be really upset to read this.
Steve Bannon Is Registered to Vote in Two States
Steve Bannon Is Registered to Vote in Two States
We need a major crackdown on people with multiple homes to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Trump’s most senior staff use a private email server
Steve King Says ‘I Ran The Numbers’, Found 2.4M ‘Illegal Votes’ Against Trump
Steve King Says ‘I Ran The Numbers’, Found 2.4M ‘Illegal Votes’ Against Trump
What about the millions of Swamp Creatures, CHUDs and pod people who voted illegally for Trump?
The first days inside Trump’s White House: Fury, tumult and a reboot
The first days inside Trump’s White House: Fury, tumult and a reboot
Trump has been resentful, even furious, at what he views as the media’s failure to reflect the magnitude of his achievements, and he feels demoralized that the public’s perception of his presidency so far does not necessarily align with his own sense of accomplishment.
Why isn’t he getting credit for the things he hasn’t done yet?