Remember when Bush43’s administration argued for Waterboarding and everyone thought that was the rock bottom for the GOP? Or when all those people critical of Obama’s drone war were totally OK with Trump escalating it again? Well those same people are against calling out war crimes if it makes dear leader look like a war… Continue reading Senate Republican blocks unanimous consent on resolution calling targeting cultural sites a war crime
Category: trumpsterfire
We already know they are willing to abuse national security for partisan politics.
Since long before he was a politician, he’s lied frequently and even written in multiple books about his profound belief in the value of lying as a means to get ahead. And he’s good at it. After his Atlantic City casinos went bust, he successfully duped a bunch of mom-and-pop equity investors out of their… Continue reading We already know they are willing to abuse national security for partisan politics.
Captain Bone Spurs insults troops again
Guy who compares dodging gonorrhea in studio 54 with serving in combat and muses about wishing he won a purple heart insults the troops once again. Speaking with the Retired American Warriors PAC in Virginia, the Republican nominee suggested veterans suffering from PTSD are not “strong” and “can’t handle” the stresses of war. Source: Trump… Continue reading Captain Bone Spurs insults troops again
The president who is escaping indictment appointed the guy escaping 83 ethics charges.
The story not being told here is that Brett was facing 83 ethics charges and they went away when he became a Justice of the Supreme Court. The president who is escaping indictment appointed the guy escaping ethics charges.
Children of US Troops Born Overseas Will No Longer Get Automatic American Citizenship
I can think of no one more deserving of “merit based immigration” than the children of active duty military personnel.
Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama’s numbers
Trump’s drone war escalation has gone unreported. His blocking of all reporting on it has gone unnoticed. I don’t hear a single thing about this from the concern trolls who cared very deeply about Obama’s drone war.
GITMO for families escaping violence
GITMO for families escaping violence. This administration is saying that people who are not breaking the law can be rounded up and placed in camps without adequate food, medical care or hygiene and denied access to the rule of law; and the administration is saying it can do this indefinitely. Can we call them concentration… Continue reading GITMO for families escaping violence
U.S. Deported a Detroit Man to Iraq. If he had been a POW, this would have been a war crime.
If Mr. Aldaoud had been yanked out of a POW camp and dumped into the streets somewhere to die, it would have been a violation of international law.
What Liberals must learn about Ilhan Omar
Republicans will not hold you up as the embodiment of the American Dream, alive and well in the US. They will tell you to go back where you came from.
Sarah Sanders to stand down as Trump’s press secretary
Is Gríma Wormtongue looking for a new job?