CISPA Vote Results, GOP for, Dems against.
The GOP voted for Big Gubmit and private industry to spy on you without consent. The Dems voted against.
The Red White and Blue Pill
CISPA Vote Results, GOP for, Dems against.
The GOP voted for Big Gubmit and private industry to spy on you without consent. The Dems voted against.
STUDY: States With Loose Gun Laws Have Higher Rates Of Gun Violence
Want more violence? Loose gun laws, poor education and a failed social safety net. Get those in place and you’ll have lots more violence.
Yglesias: Obama’s Five Percent Pay Cut Is Absurd
This business of President Obama giving himself a five percent pay cut in solidarity with sequester-ravaged federal agencies seems totally absurd to me. Who is better off thanks to this? It doesn’t seem to free up any budgetary funds for anything.
I usually refrain form calling out politicians for grand standing. It’s part of the job. As long as it isn’t too bad, you have to let it slide. But this is such silly grandstanding that it needs to be mocked. How exactly will Obama’s life be different after this 5% cut? Will he have to bring a brown bag lunch on Air Force one?
Senate votes to end advantages for ‘Too Big To Fail’ banks
Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) introduced the amendment, which ends “Too Big To Fail” subsidies or funding advantages for Wall Street mega-banks with more than $500 billion in assets. Their amendment was adopted on a 99-0 vote Friday night.
Boehner and Ryan admit we don’t have a debt crisis
America owes this debt of gratitude to Boehner after he finally came clean on yesterday’s edition of ABC’s “This Week” and admitted that “we do not have an immediate debt crisis.” (His admission was followed up by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, who quickly echoed much the same sentiment on CBS’ “Face the Nation”).
So the are they crazy or stupid argument is answered with neither. They are just liars.
Gun Homicides Increased 25 Percent After Missouri Repealed Background Check Law
research suggests that universal background check legislation of the sort currently being debated in Congress has had an enormous impact on gun violence in the past
Why do only 10% of states have universal background checks when they are popular and work well?
Colin Powell asks O’Reilly: Why do you only see me as an African-American?
Did Powell ask for %$#ing Ice Tea? That might explain it.
In the age-old contest of economic-growth models, state capitalism has seemed to be gaining the upper hand in recent years. Avatars of liberal capitalism like the United States and the United Kingdom continued to perform anemically in 2012, while many Asian countries, relying on various versions of dirigisme, have not only grown rapidly and steadily over the last several decades, but have also weathered recent economic storms with surprising grace. So, is it time to update the economics textbooks?
Not an easy read, but worth reading.
How Many People Were Shot on Gun Appreciation Day? (by SamSeder) (Source: