Bitcoin represents what ought to be the final refutation of the efficient-markets hypothesis

Bitcoin represents what ought to be the final refutation of the efficient-markets hypothesis


When interest rates are close to the rate of economic growth, Gagnon continues, you can run a budget deficit forever as long as the primary deficit is balanced. The debt load as a share of the economy won’t increase over time. And if interest rates are lower than the pace of growth — as they… Continue reading Untitled


with Hayek, as with Reagan, the truly amazing thing is that we have people citing as a source of wisdom someone who has been as thoroughly refuted by history as anyone can be. Three generations into the modern welfare state, and western democracies look less Stalinist than ever. Jack-booted Insurance-bringing Thugs

What Problem Are DC’s New Food Truck Regulations Trying To Solve?

What Problem Are DC’s New Food Truck Regulations Trying To Solve?

Prices out of Park Slope: America needs more filtering and less gentrification.

Prices out of Park Slope: America needs more filtering and less gentrification.


When Europe began its infatuation with austerity, top officials dismissed concerns that slashing spending and raising taxes in depressed economies might deepen their depressions. On the contrary, they insisted, such policies would actually boost economies by inspiring confidence. But the confidence fairy was a no-show. Nations imposing harsh austerity suffered deep economic downturns; the harsher… Continue reading Untitled

Austerity. The best way to go from developed nation to emerging market.

Austerity. The best way to go from developed nation to emerging market.

How to Make School Lunches Healthier

How to Make School Lunches Healthier


Economics 101 tells us to be very cautious about attempts to legislate market outcomes. Every textbook — mine included — lays out the unintended consequences that flow from policies like rent controls or agricultural price supports. And even most liberal economists would, I suspect, agree that setting a minimum wage of, say, $20 an hour… Continue reading Untitled