Pa. state Dem posts photo flipping off Pence as ‘official welcome’

State Rep. Brian Sims (D), who represents Philadelphia and is the state’s first openly gay legislator, posted the photo on Facebook ahead of Pence’s Tuesday visit to the city. “To be clear, we’re a City of soaring diversity. via Pa. state Dem posts photo flipping off Pence as ‘official welcome’ This is what it looks… Continue reading Pa. state Dem posts photo flipping off Pence as ‘official welcome’

Matthew Yglesias on Twitter

“The only alternative to this cruelty and chaos was to elect a person who used a personal email account for work, so you can see why it was a tough call for so many people.” Matthew Yglesias on Twitter


The border crisis is a reminder that Trump has no idea what he’s doing So you get instead what he’s delivered over the past two weeks — aggressive hostage-taking, lying, trolling, chaos, dissembling, and cruelty — none of which is going to advance Trump’s legislative goals or address the underlying issue of the northward flow… Continue reading Untitled

In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Have an Assumption of Permanence

Last week, it emerged that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (U.S.C.I.S.) had formed a task force in order to identify people who lied on their citizenship applications and to denaturalize them. via In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Have an Assumption of Permanence The administration is already getting the next scandal ready.


Trump’s executive order only protects against family separation for 20 days Though President Trump declared that the executive order he signed Wednesday would “solve” the problem of family separation while parents are prosecuted for illegal border crossing, the order is really only good for 20 days, CBS News’ Paula Reid reports, citing a source familiar… Continue reading Untitled

Bill Black: Bitcoin Frauds Keep Growing

By William K. Black, Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One. Originally published at New Economic Perspectives via Bill Black: Bitcoin Frauds Keep Growing


Trump aide Stephen Miller, meet your great-grandfather, who flunked his naturalization test Eshman went on to pose, and then refute, what has become the most familiar objection to these stories, writing: “But it’s different now, you say. Miller’s forebears came here legally…” It is an argument that Megan Smolenyak, a former chief family historian and… Continue reading Untitled

Paul Krugman on Twitter

“It’s normal to feel that people you disagree with politically are offering bad solutions to our problems. But Trump has brought something new: his policy agenda is almost entirely directed at problems we don’t have – problems that exist only in his warped imagination 1/” Paul Krugman on Twitter The whole thread is worth reading… Continue reading Paul Krugman on Twitter