Either the Mueller investigation report will show “collusion” or it won’t.
Either the Mueller investigation reort will link the president to criminal actions or it will not.
Expect spin regardless of the outcome. Maybe not at first. There will be debate and then they will agree on talking points.
If it shows direct collusion between the campaign and Russia with Trump’s knowledge and involvement, they will claim it everyone does it and it is no big deal. They will attempt to minimize the crime with a “so what if he colluded, it’s a technicality, everyone does it. Why are we still wasting time on this?”
If it shows direct collusion between the campaign and Russia without Trump, they will claim it exonerates Trump and defend pardoning the members of the campaign who conducted criminal acts.
If it shows no direct collusion by Trump but evidence of others crimes they will they will claim it exonerates Trump and proof that it was a rigged witch hunt. They will not be willing to discuss why those same crimes were worth impeachment of Bill Clinton and not Trump.
If it shows no direct collusion but evidence of others crimes, without Trump they will they will claim it exonerates Trump without any comment on why so many people in the campaign were willing to lie about contacts with Russia.
Do not expect any honest here.