Lots of people have an image of Europe as an economic pit of doom, with millions of prime-age workers sitting idle thanks to the welfare state. And there was some truth to that image 15 years ago. But things got better over there even as they got worse here: Even before the Great Recession struck,… Continue reading European and US Employment
Category: economics
Productivity Only Causes Persistent Unemployment If Policymakers Fail To Provide Adequate Demand
the point is that when you take the long view it’s not as if steadily increasing productivity leads to steadily declining employment—what it leads to is higher average output and rising living standards. But it only accomplishes that if the policymakers charged with macroeconomic stabilization use fiscal and monetary policy to ensure that there’s a… Continue reading Productivity Only Causes Persistent Unemployment If Policymakers Fail To Provide Adequate Demand
Ikea’s Third World outsourcing adventure — in the U.S. – How the World Works – Salon.com
Ikea seems to be treating its American workers at a furniture plant in Danville, Virginia a good deal worse than it does its Swedish workers back at home. The workers are trying to unionize; in response Ikea has hired the famous union-busting-specializing law firm Jackson-Lewis. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary for American labor relations… Continue reading Ikea’s Third World outsourcing adventure — in the U.S. – How the World Works – Salon.com
Center on Budget Top 10 Federal Tax Charts worth a thousand words.
From Center on Budget Top 10 Federal Tax Charts worth a thousand words. – @pourmecoffee
So, When Do the Confidence Fairies Arrive? « Rortybo mb
Image giving an economics undergraduate the following question: “Unemployment is high. Inflation is low. Borrowing costs are cheap. What should the government do?” and they responded “cut the short-term deficit immediately to show strength!” You’d have to give them a bad grade, right? But that’s what our government, Democrats and Republicans, are doing. But there’s… Continue reading So, When Do the Confidence Fairies Arrive? « Rortybo mb
Barber Licensing Rules Harm Prisoner Re-entry
Nobody comes out and says “I want to establish an occupational licensing regime for my profession in order to create an arbitrary barrier to entry” but the system works, in practice, to create arbitrary barriers to entry. Consequently, there’s a need to find barriers that don’t seem totally arbitrary, From Barber Licensing Rules Harm Prisoner… Continue reading Barber Licensing Rules Harm Prisoner Re-entry
Ryan and Taxes
The Ryan plan calls for cutting the top marginal rate to 25 percent — lower than it has been at any time in the past 80 years. That in itself should tell you that this is a deeply unserious proposal: anyone who tells you that we have to face hard truths, that everyone must sacrifice,… Continue reading Ryan and Taxes
Why is Paul Ryan’s Budget Trying to Dismantle Financial Reform?
The budget Paul Ryan released yesterday has huge cuts that are likely to fall on the poorest Americans while offering all kinds of bonuses to the top 1%. Others will be talking about how it eliminates Medicare and Medicaid. I want to talk about how it dismantles one of the few regulations put on Wall Street… Continue reading Why is Paul Ryan’s Budget Trying to Dismantle Financial Reform?
Empty Chinese Houses
According to Hong Kong-based real estate analyst Gillem Tulloch, who is interviewed in the piece, the housing units are priced well above what an average Chinese person can afford. The result, he says, is a housing bubble that is terrifying in size, “a property bubble like which I don’t think we’ve ever seen,” he says.… Continue reading Empty Chinese Houses
18 Percent of Homes in Florida are Vacant
On Thursday, the Census Bureau revealed that 18% – or 1.6 million – of the Sunshine State’s homes are sitting vacant. That’s a rise of more than 63% over the past 10 years. … The vacancy problem is more dire in Florida than in any other bubble market: In California, only 8% of units were… Continue reading 18 Percent of Homes in Florida are Vacant