
OK, something did happen to fiscal responsibility; but it happened circa 1981, not circa 1961. Who was the president then? (via Sixties Madness – NYTimes.com)

How LIBOR Impacts Financial Models and Why the Scandal Matters

How LIBOR Impacts Financial Models and Why the Scandal Matters

David Brooks Says That Mitt Romney and the Republicans Are Not Very Good at Arithmetic

David Brooks Says That Mitt Romney and the Republicans Are Not Very Good at Arithmetic

Devaluation Is Austerity Done Right

Devaluation Is Austerity Done Right

Reagan Was a Keynesian

Reagan Was a Keynesian

Taxi Medallions: How New York’s terrible taxi system makes fares higher and drivers poorer

Taxi Medallions: How New York’s terrible taxi system makes fares higher and drivers poorer

Economic Theory Doesn’t Say That Small Business Owners Maximize Profits

Economic Theory Doesn’t Say That Small Business Owners Maximize Profits


one thing I’ve noticed is that everyone on the right, and a fair number of people who should know better, basically believes that Gordon Gekko was right. Before the Gekkos came along, they assert, American business was sluggish, unproductive, and uncompetitive. Then came the LBOs and all that, and our economic energy was unleashed. As… Continue reading Untitled

Ray Dalio calls for more stimulus

Ray Dalio calls for more stimulus