Understanding the Trump years by watching someone eating mayonnaise out of a jar with their fingers.

Conservatives do you really want to understand how liberals feel about Trump? Imagine how you’d feel if you walked into your kitchen and saw someone eating mayonnaise from a jar with their fingers. Just standing there in front of an open fridge with a jar in one hand and the mayo being licked off the… Continue reading Understanding the Trump years by watching someone eating mayonnaise out of a jar with their fingers.

We already know they are willing to abuse national security for partisan politics.

Since long before he was a politician, he’s lied frequently and even written in multiple books about his profound belief in the value of lying as a means to get ahead. And he’s good at it. After his Atlantic City casinos went bust, he successfully duped a bunch of mom-and-pop equity investors out of their… Continue reading We already know they are willing to abuse national security for partisan politics.

Captain Bone Spurs insults troops again

Guy who compares dodging gonorrhea in studio 54 with serving in combat and muses about wishing he won a purple heart insults the troops once again. Speaking with the Retired American Warriors PAC in Virginia, the Republican nominee suggested veterans suffering from PTSD are not “strong” and “can’t handle” the stresses of war. Source: Trump… Continue reading Captain Bone Spurs insults troops again

With apologies to Chris Rock: Republicans always want credit for some shit they supposed to do.

You know the worst thing about Republicans? Republicans always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A Republican will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A Republican will say some shit like, “I cooperated with the investigation” You’re supposed cooperate, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant obstruction of justice… Continue reading With apologies to Chris Rock: Republicans always want credit for some shit they supposed to do.

A turd polishing in three acts.

Act one, the turd arrives Act two, the turd must be made to shine Act three, we realize it was still just a turd. Here’s a list of all the ongoing government investigations that could spell legal trouble for Trump, regardless of whether he’s president, and the people and entities associated with him. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/03/after-mueller-ongoing-investigations-trump/585376/ The… Continue reading A turd polishing in three acts.

The Barr Letter completely exonerates Hillary Clinton

On October 19th 2016 Hillary Clinton stated this during her debate with then Candidate Trump: It’s pretty clear, you won’t admit that the Russians have engaged in cyberattacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish… Continue reading The Barr Letter completely exonerates Hillary Clinton