The Case for a Joe Manchin Republican Unity Ticket

Joe Manchin on his boat

Now that both Trump and Vance have had multiple disastrous public performances, I think there needs to be a discussion of replacing either Trump or Vance on the ticket. Possibly both, if Jonathan Turley says its ok.

But who? My suggestion is Joe Manchin.

And the argument is Manchin is best choice for a GOP unity ticket.

  • Joe has a proven record of getting democratic votes
  • Joe has worked to pass bipartisan legislation, appealing to moderates.
  • Joe has worked to block bipartisan legislation, appealing to Republicans.
  • Joe is pro coal, pro gun and pro life.
  • Picking Joe would anger a lot of Democrats, proving it is a centrist thing to do.

Now I know this sounds ridiculous. Why would the GOP put any Democrat on the ticket? Surly there are plenty of Republicans they would pick over even the ideal Democrat. And it is ridiculous. But there a steady drip-drip-drip for Democrats to reach across the aisle to pick a Republican and never once is there a suggestion for the opposite.

If very idea of asking the Republicans to put a Democrat on the ticket is seen as an obvious joke, you should treat the opposite as a joke and those making the argument as not serious people.

By Stable Genius

I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.