Remember when Obama released his birth certificate and the GOP just accepted it?

the only Obama birth certificate that conservatives would accept, a magical one being handed down by angels.

Remember when Obama released his birth certificate and the GOP just accepted it and the whole thing went away?

Or how the GOP accepted the results of the investigations against Hillary and just moved on? Or how the GOP just accepted the ten investigations into the Benghazi attack and moved on?

Well I don’t remember it that way. Nor do I remember any such response to any of the many things that have been debunked over and over again.

What I do remember is the GOP responding to every good faith attempt with an even bigger conspiracy theory and a bigger ask. And when they got more information which showed they were still wrong, they doubled down again and responded with an even bigger conspiracy.

And this is exactly how the GOP will respond if Biden takes a cognitive test. They will claim it was rigged without evidence or argument and demand more. Nothing will ever satisfy them. If he does a cognitive test live on TV they will create whole new standards for it to count and dismiss it.

They are huge liars acting in bad faith, treat them as such.

By Stable Genius

I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.