The Comey Firing


What do Bernie Sanders’ hair and CNN have in common today? They are both saying, “Comey” every time you look at them.

The news coverage of Comey’s firing has become excellent entertainment. This is the biggest cognitive dissonance cluster bomb we’ve seen since election night. This one has everything.

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My cursory understanding of the topic is that Trump’s critics say he fired Comey to put a chill on the FBI’s investigation of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This theory sort-of-almost makes sense, in a hypothetical and indirect way. I could see how taking out the top dog would make the underdogs at the FBI worry about going hard at the President. On the other hand, the people doing the actual investigation are professionals, and there would be too many witnesses if they did a bad job.

Scott Adams is an idiot.

The critics were right. Adams dismisses the idea because he doesn’t see how bad Trump is at even basic things. Adams is suffering from cognitive dissonance. Trump’s critics are not.

By Stable Genius

I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.