It’s 12/11/10 09:08:07.
Year: 2010
Hayek’s Friends Should Apologize for, Not Endorse, His Road to Serfdom
Hayek’s Friends Should Apologize for, Not Endorse, His Road to Serfdom
Hayek wanted to make the much stronger claim that the attempt to implement Labor’s policies would necessarily lead to a loss of personal and political freedom.
This makes perfect sense because when you look at the most repressive regimes in world what makes them stand out is the generous social insurance provided by the state and not military or police spending.
Internet Jihadists are silly conspiracy theorists
Internet Jihadists are silly conspiracy theorists
The Guilliam Foundation has released a fascinating report on the content of pro-Jihadist Internet message boards. Focusing on the ideology and “social dynamics” of Arabic-language web-forums, the study finds that internet jihadists spend a lot of time attacking other Muslims, restricting free debate, and re-posting the same pro-Jihad texts. Users have little knowledge of scripture, continue to cite material from “recanted” Jihadists, and they love Saudi-funded Wahhabbi clerics. They also actively ignore information that contradicts their beliefs, shut out “bad news,” and are super-paranoid.
They sound like half the wing nuts on the net. Truthers, Birthers and Ayn Rand followers all exhibit the same on-line behaviors.
The Secret World of Extreme Militias | TIME
The Secret World of Extreme Militias | TIME
Their unit seal depicts a man with a musket and tricorn hat, over the motto “Today’s Minutemen.” The symbol invites a question, Who are today’s redcoats? On that point, the group takes no official position, but many of those interviewed over two days of recent training in and around the abandoned Roseville State Prison near Zanesville voiced grim suspicions about President Obama and the federal government in general. (See Obama’s troubled first year.) “I don’t know who the redcoats are,” says Brian Vandersall, 37, who designed the exercise and tried to tamp down talk of politics among the men. “It could be U.N. troops. It could be federal troops. It could be Blackwater, which was used in Katrina. It could be Mexican troops who are crossing the border.”
Amazing how much of the Clinton era nuttiness disappeared during the Bush years and then came back without missing a beat. All the same imagined villains with only one addition: Blackwater.
Sharkodile | IO9
Embarrassed By Beck? | Andrew Sullivan
Embarrassed By Beck? | Andrew Sullivan
Compared with Sean Hannity, for example, Beck seems to me to be a relative innocent. Hannity is a cynical liar and cool propagandist. You can trust nothing he says and although I find it hard to diagnose the motives behind Beck’s enthusiasms (money? fame? emotional instability? misplaced patriotism?), he is, compared with Hannity, a model of genuineness.
I can imagine that there are people on Fox that are genuine and believe that they are in the news business and they inform their audiences in an honest way.
I can not imagine that Beck is such a person.
The fact the some people at Fox can see this makes me hopeful.
Baba-bedbugs or Bababooeybugs?
Baba-bedbugs or Bababooeybugs?
The office where shock jock Howard Stern airs his show has joined the ever-growing list of New York City buildings hit by bedbugs.
Italian Town Has Wind at Its Back
Italian Town Has Wind at Its Back
More than 800 Italian communities now make more energy than they use because of the recent addition of renewable energy plants
It’s sad when Italy’s government is better able to create a functional energy policy than the US. The Italian government is less incompetent than ours.
Why liberals will be glad to see Rahm Emanuel go. – By David Weigel – Slate Magazine
Why liberals will be glad to see Rahm Emanuel go. – By David Weigel – Slate Magazine
Emanuel’s arrival at the White House was, for progressives, an original sin. It was compounded by the way he made sure that Dean would stay outside of the White House. “There was never any intention to hire Dean,” says one Democrat who talked to Berman, “and in fact there was a great deal of satisfaction in dissing him.” That, according to the professional left, just proved what they thought about Emanuel. He thought the left was so overzealous and useless that he relished in ignoring it. Proving the left wrong was synonymous with having the right policy.
Both the GOP and the Dems are afraid of their bases. How they react to those fears is what distinguishes the policy arms of the parties.
The Tea Kettle Movement –
The Tea Kettle Movement –
And how can you take seriously a movement that sat largely silent while the Bush administration launched two wars and a new entitlement, Medicare prescription drugs — while cutting taxes — but is now, suddenly, mad as hell about the deficit and won’t take it anymore from President Obama